Project Management Jobs in South Dakota


South Dakota Ranks:
in the US for Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers median annual salary
in the US for Construction Managers median annual salary
in the US for Computer and Information Systems Managers median annual salary
in the US for Industrial Production Managers median annual salary
in the US for Architectural and Engineering Managers median annual salary
in the US for Natural Sciences Managers median annual salary

Below-average salaries coupled with poor employment statistics make South Dakota a less-than-promising place for careers in project management. Only transportation, storage, and distribution managers reach the national median salary, earning $83,000 statewide and $82,000 in Sioux City. Natural sciences managers will have to console themselves with visits to Mount Rushmore, as only 110 of them currently work in the state and they only earn 80% of the national median salary. Most PMPs work in the Sioux City area.

State-Level Statistics

OccupationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Industrial Production Managers350$82,88093%
Construction Managers230$81,34098%
Computer and Information Systems Managers180$105,44087%
Architectural and Engineering Managers150$109,45088%
Natural Sciences Managers110$92,74080%
Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers110$83,360102%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

City-Level Statistics

Click on a job category to see statistics for that category.

Statistics for Architectural and Engineering Managers

LocationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Sioux Falls, SD40$123,14099%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

Statistics for Computer and Information Systems Managers

LocationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Sioux Falls, SD110$109,63091%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

Statistics for Construction Managers

LocationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Sioux Falls, SD70$82,670100%
Rapid City, SD50$81,99099%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

Statistics for Industrial Production Managers

LocationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Sioux Falls, SD100$84,78095%
Rapid City, SD30$81,76092%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

Statistics for Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers

LocationTotal EmployedMedian Annual Salary% of US Median Annual Salary
Sioux Falls, SD60$82,060100%
Salary below nat’l. avg.      Salary above nat’l. avg.

Data source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012